Category: General

I watched a guy do a military press in the gym recently that made me cringe. Unracked the weight on his tippy toes and as he...

I see many lifters engaging the wrong back muscles on the Deadlift. They use their rhomboids which are stabilizer muscles of the shoulders instead of the...

Our outdoor gym is rocking and rolling. Yes, even in the 100+ degree heat! The covered area outside is now 3600 soft. Our big Pavilion Tent...

Definitely NOT $9.95 In the world of fitness and gyms there is a trend of lowering the price to undercut the competition. We won’t play that...

I went mask optional at Tucson Strength last week when the governor said the mandates were no longer law. I have received some feedback and a...

Crossfit has been the best gateway drug to the barbell sports. It is single handedly responsible for the rebirth of Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting in the...

I was asked if we were ready for the New Years boom in memberships. I just laughed it off, because we have never attracted that crowd....

I can’t count the times someone has come into the gym that tells me they can bench a certain amount, only to get trapped underneath the...

We get this question all the time. There are numerous big box gyms popping up all around us and we are 3-5x more expensive for just...

I have been continually reminded of a talk I heard Grey Cook give at my first FMS Course over 10 years ago. He told a funny...

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