Category: General

Powerlifting Gyms Tucson Box Squats

The box squat is a great tool to add to your strength programming. It allows you to take control of the squat pattern and fix many...

I wanted to write a follow up post on my squat article I posted last week. I have received some questions on some other common...

Handle Your Shit… This has been my tagline for close to a decade. I stole it from a close friend and training partner years ago and...

Tucson Strength, (formerly Evolution Fitness), has been a around for nearly nine years. If you’ve been around for a while, you know things are rarely stagnant:...

When it comes to getting stronger there seems to be a ton of focus on accessory lifts. Sometimes I feel that lifters almost put too much...

The deadlift is either someone’s favorite lift or something they despise. Lets face it, when it comes to powerlifting there are certain levers and physics that...

Written by: Mike Moran OS, CPT The two mistakes I see a lot. Lack of body tension and awareness Elbows pointed out 90 degrees to the...

Planks are one of the most commonly used exercises to train the “core”. Unfortunately most people plop down into a plank and end up completely disengaged....

ROTATIONAL BALL THROWS I see this exercise done on YouTube videos all the time. It really makes me cringe watching people wasting time by throwing a...

There are numerous variations of doing a pull-up. To clarify, a pull-up is hands over the bar. Hands under is a chin-up and both are awesome....

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