Author: Admin

Alan Iverson, arguably one of the most talented stars to ever play in the NBA will be immortalized for the video above talking about practice. I...

I can’t count the times someone has come into the gym that tells me they can bench a certain amount, only to get trapped underneath the...

We get this question all the time. There are numerous big box gyms popping up all around us and we are 3-5x more expensive for just...

I have been continually reminded of a talk I heard Grey Cook give at my first FMS Course over 10 years ago. He told a funny...

I am celebrating 20 years of being a personal trainer. When I started this journey it was because I loved being in the gym and thought...

There are numerous things to plan out on meet day. Failing to have a realistic and sound plan can be a recipe for ruining months of...

There are so many things that go through your head before doing your 1st Powerlifting Meet. The video above covers some important things to consider before...

As we approach and surpass our 40s we can still push our body’s to amazing levels of strength and fitness if we choose to do so....

Coaching Powerlifters has been a huge passion of mine over the past decade. Many times we see people walk in the gym not sure where to...

I posted a short blog and video the other day on programming for strength (read it here). I have been developing a ton of free content...

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