Author: Admin
The deadlift is either someone’s favorite lift or something they despise. Lets face it, when it comes to powerlifting there are certain levers and physics that...
Endurance sport athletes are probably some of the most focused and dedicated group of athletes I have worked with. I know from the perspective of a...
Written by: Mike Moran OS, CPT The two mistakes I see a lot. Lack of body tension and awareness Elbows pointed out 90 degrees to the...
Unilateral leg work should be a staple in anyones programming. I love squats and deadlifts but putting the attention on each leg is a great way...
Squatting is one of my favorite things to do. When I was powerlifting this was the one day of the week I would never ever miss....
The ab wheel has been around my entire life. I remember seeing them around as kid in the 1970s. I remember when I first started working...
Planks are one of the most commonly used exercises to train the “core”. Unfortunately most people plop down into a plank and end up completely disengaged....
ROTATIONAL BALL THROWS I see this exercise done on YouTube videos all the time. It really makes me cringe watching people wasting time by throwing a...
There are numerous variations of doing a pull-up. To clarify, a pull-up is hands over the bar. Hands under is a chin-up and both are awesome....
Running has a bit of a stigma around it in the strength world. A bunch of under powered people beating themselves up with running. The evidence...