Tag: gym

What not to do on the Deadlift The Deadlift is one of the Big 3 in the sport of Powerlifting, something we take seriously at Tucson...

I can’t count the times someone has come into the gym that tells me they can bench a certain amount, only to get trapped underneath the...

I am celebrating 20 years of being a personal trainer. When I started this journey it was because I loved being in the gym and thought...

Many people come into the gym and crush weights. They push so hard they can’t get another rep. Though training hard is important, training smart and...

Fitness can be an uphill battle. It is tough and a lot to maneuver through. The most important thing to have is Grit and perseverance. You...

Handle Your Shit… This has been my tagline for close to a decade. I stole it from a close friend and training partner years ago and...

If you are looking for the cheapest membership around we are not your solution. We won’t compete on price with a race to the bottom that...

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