Coach Mike Moran

Personal Trainer Tucson

This guy! @mikemoran_tucsonstrength has been coaching with us for 5 years. When I first met Mike he came to us in 2012 for kettlebell instruction. He was an avid fitness enthusiast and martial artist. Mike is a guy that changed his life in his 30’s and lost 100lbs. He would drop in for instruction and then go practice on his own. Mike continued to educate himself in the field and then dove in deep with @original_strength training. In 2016 he did the @strongfirstkettlebell certification at our gym. All this time he was full time in the IT field.

He came to me saying he wanted to change careers. He had all the attributes and knowledge a great coach needed, but changing careers to training is not an easy transition. The hours are tough and pay isn’t great when you are building your clientele. Well, 5 years later, he is one of our busiest coaches.

He is busy because the is an expert in his field. He has a gift of helping people find their strength, move better and feel better. I am so proud of seeing Mike grow in this field and becoming one of best trainers I know. If you have movement issues or need to fix yourself Mike is your guy. I lost count fo the people that have told me Mike changed their life. Thank you for being everything Tucson Strength represents.


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