Category: Strength & Conditioning High Bar VS Low Bar on Squats This blog could be an entire chapter in a book. Lets start with the basics of bar position....

QUICK guide to weightlifting shoes We see so many lifters show up to the gym with the latest and greatest in equipment. Everything from the hottest...

I speak with many gym regulars asking me about wanting to train for their first powerlifting meet. The sport has become more accessible over the past...

As with most of the powerlifting as strength exercises, the lats are key. The shoulder press is no different. The lats are some of the biggest...

Crossfit has been the best gateway drug to the barbell sports. It is single handedly responsible for the rebirth of Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting in the...

Alan Iverson, arguably one of the most talented stars to ever play in the NBA will be immortalized for the video above talking about practice. I...

I can’t count the times someone has come into the gym that tells me they can bench a certain amount, only to get trapped underneath the...

Focusing on improving maximal strength is trending. Putting up impressive numbers has become popularized on social media. Seeing 140lb women deadlifting 300+lbs is a common occurrence...

Many people come into the gym and crush weights. They push so hard they can’t get another rep. Though training hard is important, training smart and...

Back in 2008 I considered myself an experienced trainer. I had close to a decade of experience with a college degree in the field and was...

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