Tag: strength training

I posted a short blog and video the other day on programming for strength (read it here). I have been developing a ton of free content...

Focusing on improving maximal strength is trending. Putting up impressive numbers has become popularized on social media. Seeing 140lb women deadlifting 300+lbs is a common occurrence...

Many people come into the gym and crush weights. They push so hard they can’t get another rep. Though training hard is important, training smart and...

Back in 2008 I considered myself an experienced trainer. I had close to a decade of experience with a college degree in the field and was...

When it comes to getting stronger there seems to be a ton of focus on accessory lifts. Sometimes I feel that lifters almost put too much...

Written by: Mike Moran OS, CPT The two mistakes I see a lot. Lack of body tension and awareness Elbows pointed out 90 degrees to the...

Unilateral leg work should be a staple in anyones programming. I love squats and deadlifts but putting the attention on each leg is a great way...

In the early days of our gym we did a lot to spark up interest, inspire our clientele, and attract new members. A standard recipe for...

People always ask me which certifications are the best if they want to become a personal trainer. First, I want to say that having a certification...

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