Difference Between Texas Deadlift Bar and Kabuki Deadlift Bar

Texas Deadlift Bar Vs Kabuki Deadlift Bar

Both the Kabuki Deadlift Bar and the Texas Deadlift Bar are exceptional pieces of equipment. Here is a quick breakdown of the similarities and differences of these bars.

First thing to consider is why do you want a deadlift bar. Are you looking to just pull more weight, or are you looking to compete. If you are competing, make sure to know which bar your federation uses. Since there are some key differences you should try and practice on the bar you will be using. Having said that there is some carry over between the bars.

Bar length

The Kabuki PR Deadlift bar is just a hair under 8feet long measuring 95.25″ long vs the Texas Deadlift Bar with a length of  92.5″.  If you are lifting on an 8foot platform the Kabuki DL Bar will span end to end. The extra length. makes up for the diameter of the bar and probably ads some additional bend to the bar.

Bar Diameter

The Texas Deadlift bar has a 27.5mm diameter shaft. The Kabuki bar is slightly slimmer at 27mm. Both deadlift bars thinner than standard power bars to allow for a better grip when pulling big loads. The thinner diameter also allows for the bar to have additional give in the bar. Both bars have incredible tensile strengths, each boasting 190K tensile strenght.

Bar Knurling

Both bars have great knurling, but of the two, the knurling on the Kabuki bar is much more aggressive. Another thing we have noticed about the bars is the kabuki bar keeps its aggressive knurling for a very long time. The one thing to watch out for on the Kabuki bar is keeping your hands healthy, especially if you are a hook grip deadlifter. This bar will shred your hands pretty easily. I have seen it on the platform many of times. Lifter at Tucson Strength will have to take breaks from the bar from time to time to save their hands or use straps.

Bar Bend

Deadlift bars are made to bend. When pulling the slack out of the bar you see a noticeable bend with heavy loads on both bars. The kabuki bar is made to bend more and allow for bigger weights to be lifted. The additional length of the bar displacing the weights further from the center of the bar and a slightly slimmer shaft make this bar really bendy. Here is the thing. If you are not used to pulling with this bar it can take you for a ride. Just walking up the bar and gripping and ripping it from the ground will have you fighting for your life to over come the bar whip. If you have a 300lb deadlift you may not notice the difference, but when you start going north of 500lbs it is noticeable. I have seen more than a few 700lb+ pullers fail to lockout due to the bar whip. Once they settle in and pull the slack out they get it, but this bar may take some practice to get used to.

Which Bar should you use?

Both these bars are superior products, but the question you have to answer is why are you using it? If you are looking for a bar to pull more weight either will do. The Texas Power Bar retails for $350-$380. After shipping you are looking at around $400. The Kabuki Bar is between $450-$530 depending on the finish of the bar. Shipping with Kabuki usually costs about $80 so you are looking between $530-$610 for the bar. If the federation you are competing with uses the Kabuki Bar or if you are an advanced lifter looking to hit some big numbers the increased cost may be worth it for you. If you are looking to add a bar to your garage gym and want to pull bigger weights than a stiff bar will offer, the Texas Power bar is a better value and it will save your hands if you don’t like extremely aggressive knurling. Again both bars are amazing, it’s just important to know what you are looking for in bar. One other thing is Kabuki bars usually have a longer wait time as they usually take many weeks to a couple months to ship for many of their options. The Texas bars usually ship out rather quickly. My last bar arrived in less than a week from the time of my order.

*** In the video I misspoke and said the Kabuki bar was about $700 and the price is close to $530 to $610.

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